CS320: Tangible User Interfaces FINAL PRESENATIONS !!!

The students from the CS230 class, Tangible User Interfaces, had their final presentations of their interfaces on Monday;


Check out the cool things they made!


Audience – all people
Goal – Connect emotion and music
Sensors – galvanic skin sensors and heart-rate monitor
Hardware –  arduino uno


Emotisphere senses users emotion through biological reactions and translates into appropriate music. Interaction techniques like twisting for volume control are based on the affordances of spherical objects. In future work they will create more interaction (like changing songs,) identify a wider range of emotions, and create algorithms to generate musical compositions programatically based on bio-rhythmic data.

They will be presenting their work as a Works In Progress paper at TEI2015! 

Team Musical Hoodie

Audience – all people
Goal – to share the music one is listening to with the world and show visually the type of music being heard.
Sensors – temperature sensor
Hardware – lilypad arduino, capacitive thread


Lights on hoodie flash with the music to create a social music experience. A temperature sensor on the arm also functions as a touch sensor, to help make the experience more interactive for users outside the sweatshirt.

Do you ever find yourself listening to music but people find you anti-social? Have no fear, Musical Hoodie is here! The MH team created a musical hoodie with a Lilypad and leds. Lights on the sweatshirt flash with the beat of the drums in whatever song the user is listening to so the people around you know what your mood is while you have headphones in. Another feature is that when someone taps the sweatshirt on the shoulder, a temperature sensor senses this and lights up the sensor on the shoulder.

teacher inTUItion

Audience – elementary school children/teachers age 7-13
Goal – allow students more direct communication with the teacher
Sensors  – sliders, buttons
Hardware –  phidgets

The inTUItion team interviewed current teachers and students and created a device to poll students for answers, share emotions and evaluate level of understanding; They also created a web interface to aggregate information for teachers; each student has a profile with info about their emotions. They web interface also allows a teacher to give feedback to students to quiet down, listen up, 2 minute warning.

Elementary school students have a wide variety of social and emotional learning needs. It can be difficult for some students to communicate with their teachers and it can be difficult for teachers to monitor all of their students at once. teacher inTUItion allows students to indicate to their teachers their emotion levels (sad/frustrated to happy) and their understanding levels (green for understanding, yellow for confused, red for totally lost). Teachers can provide feedback to students by clicking a button that will light up the class if they should quiet down, listen up, or if students need a 2 minute warning for finishing an assignment. Each student in the class has a profile which the teacher can monitor online to dynamically change their teaching for the students. 

Calvin Calendar

Audience – families, especially those with children and working parents
Goal – preserve handwriting element of schedule planning and integrate with digital calendar software
Hardware – LiveScribe pen, Microsoft Surface


Calvin Calendar creates seamless integration between livescribe+pen interaction and surface+touch interaction. This integration allows users to remotely upload things onto a central calendar for the whole family. This creates and experience os personal and intuitive planning for families

In the backend, Calvin Calendar uses livescribe to upload to evernote where they are saved as images, and regularly fetches these notes to the surface application to be arranged.

As families grow, it can be increasingly difficult to coordinate and keep track of everyone’s schedule. People have both handwritten and digital calendars, but they are not usually in sync. Calvin Calendar aims to seamlessly integrate the handwriting and creativity from planners and the digital convenience of things like Google Calendar. By using a LiveScribe pen and a Microsoft Surface, families can keep a central calendar in the home that is dynamically updated. Family members can write each other notes with the LiveScribe, have the information for themselves, and they would not need to manually sync it up with their digital shared calendar. 

Allergen Aware

Audience- families/groups of people have a lot of dietary issues
Goal – Help prevent cross contamination in shared cooking spaces
Hardware – Microsoft Surface


Surface application allows you to create profiles for people with allergies, add fiducial tags to the allergens, make groups of people to see all allergens at once After choosing groups of people to cook for, one can put ingredients on the surface and the fiducial tags will turn the surface red if the ingredient is unacceptable for that group of people. You can check the history of the surface to see if something was recently made on the surface that could trigger a reaction. 

Friends and family frequently share a meal together, but there are often allergens that can complicate cooking meals. When cooking for people with allergies, it is important to be careful that the cooking surface is not contaminated. With Allergan Aware, a Microsoft Surface provides the means to avoid triggering reactions. Allergen Aware allows you to create profiles for friends and family indicated their dietary restrictions. Each person can be added to a group so one could quickly select the group and import all of the restrictions to the surface. When cooking, foods with fiducial tags are set on the surface. If a food contains a dangerous allergen, the surface turns red to indicate that this is a problem. The surface retains a history of the most recently used allergen on the surface so the next user can be aware that they may need to be cautious. 


Audience – initially children, but extended to adults
Goal – Make kids (and adults) excited to eat healthily.
Sensors – photo interrupter
Hardware – Kinoma, Google Glass

NutriGlass is a two part project, starting with an interface developed for the UIST student innovation contest: BenTUI Box.

BenTui Box used a Kinoma to create an interactive lunchbox to help kids develop good eating habit.
Photo interrupters can sense when there is food between them and then when you eat the food, it would light up and be fun.

After UIST this project moved to google glass and the audience shifted to adults.
Using image recognition glass will overlay information onto your food to give information on the nutritional benefits of the things you are eating. 
Your current progress through your daily nutrition requirements is presented to help users make healthy choices.

The first stage of this project, BenTUI box, was presented at UIST 2014!

TreadLight Timer

Audience – people who like to cook
Goal – simplify timers by creating a easy to see and use timer interface
Sensors – eventually plan to include force sensor or button to detect kick-start
Hardware – Kinoma, plenty of LEDS


When cooking, different devices spread out over the kitchen need their own timers and need to be kept track of. Currently, timers require you to be standing in front of them to check and see how much time you have left. TreadLight Timer addresses these issues by indicating the progress of cooking food with ambient colors and light. The lights change from blue to purple to red as the timer counts down, indicating how close to finishing the food is.

This project was presented at UIST 2014!

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